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Cool Features in Dolphin Anty

Blog » Cool Features in Dolphin Anty

What makes a difference between a 🔝 cool product and all the others? Attention to even the smallest details. Some will say that they are not important, while others, on the contrary, will appreciate and tell their friends about them. Do you know the flashlight on the iPhone? When activated, the power button on the icon changes position. Was it that necessary? No, because it does not affect the functionality and usability in any way. Is such an attitude towards users cool? Definitely. 🔥 Dolphin Anty also has such 😎 cool features. We will talk about them today.

8 Cool Features in Dolphin Anty

The 🔥 Dolphin Anty development team works every week to improve the antidetect browser, adding new functionality and fixing bugs. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell about each innovation — there are many of them, so you can forget about something. That’s the exact reason why we remind you today about the cool features that you will find in the browser.

Update Center

This function is implemented precisely to avoid missing any of the innovations. And you do not need to follow any links — everything is implemented right in the browser. Click on the  🔔 bell in the upper right corner and a window appears with your personal notifications and a description of what was added in the latest patch. Read, react and leave feedback to make the product even better.

Update Center Dolphin Anty

Profile Changes History

Profiles in the antidetect browser are one of the main elements for work. They are used to create multiple accounts, to bypass platform restrictions, launch advertising campaigns on them, conduct marketing research or promote accounts on social networks.

We understand the importance of having everything you need to work with profiles. Often, merely creating a profile is not enough. You need to see how it works, what is happening on it, and what changes are being introduced. This is especially true in situations where there are many profiles and when you work in a team.

Profile History Dolphin Anty

Tracking all the changes is physically impossible. That is why we have a 📋 profile history that will show the time of profile creation, launch time, changes in cookies, to whom and when the profile was transferred, changes in access rights and other important data. All this can be useful in controversial situations.

Control over the Creation of Profiles in the Team

If you are a team leader, administrator or just work in a team and have someone subordinate to you, then you need 🛠  tools to control profile cration. Dolphin Anty has such tools. While adding a new team member, you can specify their role and provide (or not provide) the ability to create profiles.

Profile Control Dolphin Anty

Besides this option, you can also limit the maximum number of profiles that your colleague can create — it all depends on your tasks.

Autofill for FB, Google, TT

Nobody likes to repeat the same action many times. In our case, we are talking about logging in with passwords every time you go to the site after launching your profile. That is why Dolphin Anty has 🔄 autofill.

Login and Password Dolphin Anty

When creating a profile, select its type — FB, Google or TT — and you will find two fields below: “Login” and “Password”. Fill them in and you won’t have to enter or copy them manually every time.

Quick Proxy Copying and IP Rotation with One Click

If you need to copy something, you can do it with a mouse in a few clicks or with the hot keys “ctrl+c” and “ctrl+v”. In any case, it will require several movements. To avoid this, Dolphin Anty has a 🔗 quick copy of the proxy in one click. To do this, hover the cursor over the line with the desired proxy and you will see a button for quick copying.

Proxy Copying Dolphin Anty

You can also 🔄 rotate the IP of a mobile proxy in one click when editing it. To do this, you need to add a special link that the proxy seller provides. After that, you can either manually change the proxy IP address before the next launch of the browser profile, or send a request to change the proxy IP address in one click from the interface.

Profile Folders with Emojis

Profile folders are used to group them, sort them and navigate them easily. For example, it can be a folder with personal accounts for an advertising or social network. If you add profiles to a folder, then only profiles from this folder will be displayed on the desktop. Sometimes it takes a long time to find the right folder name. It is much easier to look and see the right 🤓 emoji in it. Yes, they can also be added to folder names.

Folders and Emojis Dolphin Anty

And visual memory will also help here if you forget the name, but not the emoji you added to it. In general, the function is not only beautiful, but also useful.

Soon it will be possible to create 📁  global folders that will be visible not only to you.

New Home Page Settings

When you create a new profile in Dolphin Anty, you don’t have to add homepages manually each time, because the developers have taken care of that too. All you have to do is go to the “Settings” section, scroll down to the “Add homepages” section and click “+”.

Homepages Dolphin Anty

Now you can set a 📋 list of homepages for each profile type, which will be automatically added when you create it. Here you can also set their display order. If you want the pages to be displayed as a title, then add it in the right format in the same menu.

Extensions Auto Update

Updating extensions can be a time-consuming process, especially if there are a lot of them. To update, you need to go to the page and reinstall everything. But only if you are not a Dolphin Anty user. If you are, you will not have such a problem, because extensions are updated automatically, in bulk and for the entire team. At the same time, all data, authorizations and cookies remain in place.

Every time you launch antidetect, all installed extensions are automatically checked for the current version. If there is an update, it is downloaded, and the old version is deleted only after successful installation. In general, the chances that something will break or go wrong are minimal. But for this, do not forget to update and restart the browser..


These features may seem not the most important, but it is these improvements that make working with 🔥 Dolphin Anty much more convenient and efficient. They save time, freeing you from routine tasks, and show the developers’ desire for constant improvement. And this is just the beginning — even more useful updates await you ahead, which will make your experience with the antidetect more comfortable.